Note how the edge between the two floor tiles doesn't match up, despite the smaller squares all being the same size? This is because of the perspective effect. This is because of the perspective distortion. The two halves won't match up, breaking the single image 'look' of the two sprites. The joined edge in the middle will now look wrong.

IE from the left edge of the left half, or the right edge of the right half. path property, and as long as you move the 'paired' points on each image the same amount, it'll be 'fine'. Now, you want to deform this image along the middle line (IE the right hand edge of the left slice, and the left hand edge of the right slice). You now create 2 sprites, one from each half, and position them on screen, so you are looking at the whole image again. You split it, using imagesheets and sprites, into a left half and a right half. You can make the outer edge of an image any shape you want, but it is the internal deformation, as done by OGL, that is the issue. It isn't the subdividing that is the problem (you just use an image sheet to generate the slices and stick them next to each other), it is the deformation. That does *not* mean Corona won't make some changes (indeed, I've talked with Walter about this, and we both hope that a way can be found), but as it stands, Spline won't work.

"Nate is clearly talking without specific knowledge of Corona - so as it stands I'm still confidant that I'm correct. I got a reply on the Corona forums from (I guess) a Corona developer: